Step I Connect with MetaMask and Unlock Wallet
1. Go to website;
2. Click “Connect Wallet” and “Unlock Wallet” to connect to your MetaMask wallet;
Step II. Deposit, Send and Withdraw
⚠ The minimum deposit value to L2 is 50 ZKS or 200 USDT; L2 transfer requires a minimum balance of 50 ZKS or 200 USDT; The value of one swap transaction has to be no less than 10 USDT. Adding liquidity value has to be no less than 10 USDT each time; Remove liquidity value has to be no less than 10 USDT each time;
Step III. How to deposit assets from MetaMask to the Layer2 Wallet;
- Go to L2 Wallet on the homepage and click “Deposit”
- Select the asset you want to deposit to layer-2, enter in the amount, and click “Confirm”
- ⚠ The minimum deposit value to L2 is 50 ZKS or 200 USDT
4. Confirm the Metamask popup, then the deposit completes; wait a while before the asset appears on your L2 wallet dashboard;
Important Note * The deposit takes about 10 block confirmations. Depending on the Ethereum network congestion, the deposit normally credits on ZKSwap l2 for 5–10 min. Users can check the deposit on EthereScan and later check on the ZKSwap transaction list.